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We want our learners to have equal opportunities regarding the use of ICT to enhance learning and when accessing ICT resources. This is achieved via the training of staff and their access to software and hardware to support planning, resourcing and delivering the curriculum. This is also achieved by the fair timetabling of laptops and equal access to IPads via a booking system. We also want all of our learners to be equally represented in the examples that we use of ICT based professions, examples used in lessons and visitors to the school. We want the children to be aware of the breadth of possibilities linked to ICT in the future.  

 We want our learners to be safe in their use of ICT. Misconceptions to do with safety, bias and trust online will be resolved and clear e-safety protocol will be embedded at the beginning of each year and repeated throughout. There is a clear link with PSHE and online safety, with particular focus on healthy relationships.  

 We believe that the Computing curriculum can be divided into ‘conceptual’ factual elements, including a sound understanding of subject vocabulary which is built upon each year, and ‘foundational’ skills based learning via practical use of hardware and software. This will be repeated and built on year-on-year.  

 We believe that all types of learners can benefit from the Computing curriculum: auditory, visual and kinaesthetic. Each style of learning can be supported via the use of visual aids, large interactive hardware elements such as SMART boards, bee bots and IPads and auditory aids such as headphones, microphones and speakers. Allowing children to see, create, record, interact and learn in a dynamic way.  

 We know that we have the facility to develop subject specific links in our local community and will use local examples of ICT in our local community and business. We will also strive to keep our learners up-to-date with any significant and documented computing developments and progression in our local community and in the wider World.  

 We know that we are living in a rapidly changing climate which closely links to the subject of Computing. There are many current development in the use of AI (Artificial Intelligence), robotics, drones and remote working which are enormously relevant to our group of varied learners. We also know that there will be many more to come and we will keep our finger on the diverse pulse that is Computing.  


The long-term planning document provides the following support for teachers to plan their Computing curriculum:  

  Suggested vocabulary for the different aspects of Computing  

  • Computer Science - including Coding.  Skills are built upon each year. 
  • Information Technology - including data bases, making music, spreadsheets, animation and image creation. 
  • Digital Literacy - including online safety, email use and effective searching 

The long-term planning is designed to give teachers a supportive framework of lessons that build on knowledge and skills and provides a progressive bank of curriculum based vocabulary. Planning takes an accretional learning approach and year on year topics are chosen to build upon existing understanding. .  

 Each week there will be a discrete Computing lesson during which each class will deliver the input and children will work on their key skills including project work which covers one or more of the learning strands of Computing. This can also include a cross-curricular link. IPads are also available to book, in addition to timetabled laptop time. This will ensure that children have extra opportunities to revisit and develop their technical skills using a range of hardware and software. 

Teaching and learning in the classroom should show the following areas throughout all year groups: 

  • E-safety referred to in lessons frequently.  
  • Children are given the opportunity to explore different software and be curious. 
  • Children have the opportunity to be creative using Computing for a variety of purposes. 


Assessment of children's learning in Computing is  ongoing with monitoring of children's understanding, knowledge and skills by the class teacher, throughout lessons. This assessment is then used to inform differentiation, support and challenge required by the children.  

 Summative assessment: Expectations of assessment and data collection are made by the class  teacher using the whole school Foundation subject platform.  

Computing is also monitored by the subject leader throughout the year in the form of outcome monitoring, looking at outcomes and pupil interviews to discuss their learning and understanding and establish the impact of the teaching taking place.  Online storage is used for staff and pupil work. This is audited by the subject leader..  

 EYFS and Nursery pupils' progress and attainment is tracked using Tapestry, telling us whether each individual child is below expected, at expected or above expected attainment for their age.