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Welcome to the Nursery

Our nursery takes children from 2 to 4 years. Our larger  room (Seahorses) has been open since 2016 and our smaller room (Starfish)  opened in September 2018. 

Together with our Kids Club, our nursery offers 'wrap-around' provision, operating 51 weeks of the year. This includes breakfast club and after school club, both based in the Seahorse Room.

Please click on the 'Nursery'  tab (top right) to find out more information about our nursery classes.

Choose 'Nursery Information for a video about our nursery; information about our staff and application forms.

Please click on the individual rooms for curriculum information and to find out what we are doing this week....


Starfish Class - our 2-3 year olds

Seahorses Class - 3-4 year olds