Physical Education (PE)
At Brightlingsea Primary School and Nursery, it is our intention that we:
- Help children to develop confidence in a range of sporting activities
- Ensure that students are physically active for sustained periods of time
- Provide opportunities for children to engage in competitive sport
- Instil good sportsmanship in pupils and create reflective attitudes towards their performances and personal bests.
- Help them to take ownership of their learning and eventually allow them to apply appropriate techniques to their own independent study.
- Develop self-esteem through sport, building confidence and engagement within the subject. This will be developed through the following areas: Personal, Social, Applying Physical, Cognitive, Creative, and Health and Fitness.
- Provide an inclusive curriculum that provides opportunities for pupils of all backgrounds and abilities, irrespective of ability, race or gender
- Provide a clear path of progression from EYFS to Year 6 ensuring children are equipped to face the challenges of secondary school P.E
- Ensure staff are supported and equipped to provide the best possible teaching for pupils
At Brightlingsea Primary School and Nursery we deliver the PE curriculum in the following way:
- An exciting and varied curriculum providing a diverse range of sporting opportunities which are differentiated for all backgrounds and abilities
- KS2 and KS1 curriculum is taught for 1.5 - 2 hours per week
- Competitive opportunities are available through the CDPSSA (Clacton District Primary School Sports Association)
- Inter-house events within school and additional opportunities through our cluster group of schools including pathways to district and county competitions as well as links with our feeder secondary school and the University
- Completion of Daily Mile for 15 minutes per day
- Reflection of curriculum coverage through pupil voice: this includes our Sports Council and interviews with pupils
- Progressive, systemic and sequenced learning through assessable targets, developing pupil skills and knowledge from EYFS to Year 6
- Assessing pupil skills and performances to ensure they are adequately equipped to face future challenges in the subject
- Provide a wide variety of extra-curricular sporting activities for children
- Use of Sports Premium grant to ensure adequate resourcing for the subject
- The impact of our PE curriculum can be seen in the following ways:
- Children are highly engaged with sport in school and have highly favourable views of the subject
- Pupils have their views heard and provision is adjusted to suit their needs
- Children have opportunities to develop skills, healthy lifestyles, leadership and teamwork
- All pupils can engage in sport fairly through differentiated learning
- Pupils are well prepared for the next stage of their education
- Pupils are provided with many opportunities to engage with competitive sport at all levels
- Staff are trained to provide the best possible teaching for students and are supported in doing so
- Pupils can master their skills through repetition and consolidation, with curriculum provision tailored around scaffolding from EYFS to Year 6
- Pupils are able to reflect and celebrate their progress