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Extra-curricular activities

We have a wide range of extra-curricular activities that we offer in approximately six week blocks.  Whenever these blocks change, children are invited to apply for those activities they are interested in and we always try to ensure that everyone gets something, if they wish. Clubs run by the school are bookable online, via School Gateway. External providers hold their own arrangements for booking. Please see the office for details.


Music extra-curricular activities

Instrumental Lessons

Our peripatetic and Rocksteady tutors offer individual and group music lessons for pupils at Brightlingsea Primary School. We have tutors who teach keyboard, woodwind and string instruments, as well as band lessons. 

For more information about how to sign your child up, please contact the school office. 


Brightlingsea Primary School Choir 

Miss Smith leads a successful KS2 choir, after school on Thursdays. They participate in many events throughout the year, including the Young Voices concert at the O2 Arena, the Rotary Junior Choir Competition, school showcases and other events in the local community. 

The choir are always happy to accept new members and, to join, please email Miss Smith at:

Below are the choir following their win at the Rotary Junior Choir Competition in November 2022.