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 Meet the Year 3 Team

Sandpipers Class

Class teacher - Mr Jones

Support staff -  Mrs Simons

Samphire Class

Class teacher - Mrs Pedder

Support staff - Miss Myhill

Sailors Class

Class teacher - Mrs Oprita

Support staff - Mrs Joslin and Miss Leete

Times Table Rock Stars 

By the end of Year 4, children are expected to be able to recall all times tables to 12x12 fluently. Regular playing on TTRS should help you to stay on top of them, 

Accelerated Reader

Reading is a vital life skill. In order to help foster your children's love of reading, please ensure that they read with you or independently for at least 20 minutes per day. 

Once your children have finished reading their books, encourage them to quiz on it on the link below:


Meet the teacher slides

Term Overview

Homework Grids